Sunday, June 14, 2009

36 Hours and Counting (The Orphan Part 2)

You can imagine my surprise when I woke up for this morning's feeding and Bean was still alive! I know I said I wasn't going to name the mouse because I didn't want to get attached to it, but... I can't help it. I've taken him on as my responsibility, and in doing so his well-being has become vital to me.

Feeding has been a bit hard since I only have an eyedropper and the tip is too large for Bean's tiny mouth, so formula ends up all over him; every meal time ends up being bath time too (and this has to be done every four to five hours) But he's been going potty after each meal without any problems. I tried going all over Moscow and Pullman looking for an oral syringe with a teensy tip to make feedings easier, but I haven't succeeded yet.

I'm looking forward to when he finally opens his eyes and can begin weening off the formula on bits of cooked white rice and apple. But I have to keep reminding myself that in all likelihood, he's still going to pass away before it comes to that. Every four or five hours that goes by is a surprise to find him still alive and wanting to be fed. But until that moment of "it's all over" actually arrives, I'll do everything I can to take care of him.