Monday, April 26, 2010

New Creations: Iced Vanilla Chai Soap

After picking up some of Bramble Berry's low sweat base last weekend, I decided to try out a few new scents. I recently bought two different Chai Tea oils in hopes of finding one that smelled just like my refreshment of choice, Oregon Chai. Both oils smelled a bit different, but equally delicious and very close to what I was aiming for. I decided to use a blend of both, with a bit of vanilla oil (since I love adding either vanilla or raspberry syrup to my iced chai tea!) and just a pinch of loose chai tea.

I don't have a loaf mold, but I did have a few clean empty soy milk cartons, and they worked perfectly for making a small loaf. It sure ended up making some hefty bars though... each turned out to be about 7 ounces a piece!

I tested one of the bars this morning and boy, do they lather! Unfortunately, I made the mistake of letting the rest of the soap harden too long before adding the topmost layer (the pink one), so on two of the bars, that layer popped off the rest of the soap during use! Luckily this was just a test batch; when I make these again, I won't let the layers set so long. But I do know now the exact ratio I need to get the perfect weight and width I want!