Rather than ride the bike path up towards Troy, I wanted to bike out behind the old Tidyman's and see what was going on over there. It's only about a mile away from our house, and we hadn't actually gone back there before, so I thought it was time for an adventure (in the mildest interpretation of the word).
There were several parcels of land for sale, and lots of construction equipment lying around. We started goofing off and riding through the bits of mud that had spilled out over the sidewalk. Unfortunately, knowing my luck, I was halfway into a nice squishy bit of mud when my front tire sunk and stuck. I put one foot on the ground to push myself backwards, and that got stuck, too. Despite Roy's attempt at telling me to stay still, I jumped off the bike and tried again to push it back onto the sidewalk... and only succeeded in getting my other foot stuck.
Roy reached out to help me out of the mud. At this point, I had sunken in nice and deep. Roy took my hand and managed to pull me out -- *schhhhuck!* -- and my shoes were gone. They had been sucked right off of my feet. I stood on the sidewalk while Roy leaned awkwardly over the pile of muck and pulled my shoes out. Each eventually gave in, but not without a fight!
We biked home, me in my socks... but not before I got stuck in another bit of mud that filled my socks with goop.
To be honest, I thought the whole ordeal was funny, and I was especially glad that Roy wasn't too annoyed with the trouble I had gotten myself into! I'm sure that annoyance didn't really settle in until we got home and he began the messy task of cleaning up after me!
It was another one of those moments when I realized just how grateful I was to have such an amazing husband. He takes care of me, he's patient with me, he puts up with my strange sense of humor... and he hoses the mud out of my shoes when necessary. Not everyone has a person they can share a muddy adventure with.